
American Legion Sherman Moore Post #297


CQ CQ CQ This is KD8PGT. KD8PGT.  KD8PGT calling CQ and standing by."

The American Legion has formed a special entity to provide a forum for military veterans who today are engaged in a hobby that can also provide emergency communications "when all else fails." During the May 2011 Spring Meetings, the National Executive Committee authorized the establishment of The American Legion Amateur Radio Club (TALARC).

In January 2005, the Legion signed an agreement with the Department of Homeland Security to support emergency disaster preparedness. Subsequently, the Disaster Preparedness Booklet was made available to posts. Amateur-radio support was an integral entity.

The American Legion Sherman-Moore Post #297 has a amateur radio group that was a part of The American Legion Amateur Radio Club (TALARC) national group until that it shut down at the national level due to staff shortages.  We, however, remain active and vibrant.  Our post amateur radio call sign is KD8PGT.  The post TALARC group are members of the Muskegon County CERT, active in the Skywarn program, Weather-Ready Nation Ambassadors, conduct amateur radio classes, and various events.  The post TALARC is an American Radio Relay League (ARRL) Affiliated Club.  

To find out more about the Sherman-Moore Post 297 TALARC Group, please email KD8PGT@RavennaMILegion.Org.

We are available to do talks about being Weather-Ready, Skywarn, Emergency Prepardness, and amateur radio.  We are available to setup a amateur radio Special Event station, help out with temporary communications needs (such as parades).





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